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First book of the summer


I am writing this blog in the presence of Ashley Thoms, who is a retard.

Dave Barry Does JapanI read my first book of the summer on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, Dave Barry Does Japan. Nick suggested it and let me borrow it, and it looked pretty funny from the description on back, so I read the whole thing in less than a day. It’s short, but pretty funny, even if you aren’t that interested in Japan or anything. Pretty much, he scammed his way into getting a free trip to Japan for 3 weeks with his family, and wrote a book about it. This guy is like my idol!

I’m not going to really review the book, but I will suggest it to anyone who wants something quick to read. The Amazon link is here. I will, however, post part of the book (don’t sue me Dave Barry), that shows how Dave Barry explains business negotiations in Japan. It’s pretty dead on, I’d say.

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It’s the first weekday of spring break (not counting Friday, which I always have off), and here has been my schedule for the last 13 hours:
4AM-8AM reading
8AM-1PM sleep
1PM-5PM reading

I just finished The Da Vinci Code in 2 sittings. Why? I have no idea. I haven’t actually read a real book just for fun in a long time (maybe since the last Harry Potter book?), and I guess I just wanted to finish this one. It keeps stuff moving pretty fast, which I guess let me read it all like that. Still, kind of strange. I’m tired but know I shouldn’t go to sleep now, since it’s evening time. I’m starting to feel a little sick, so hopefully I can shake this off in a few days. Maybe I just wanted to stay up since it’s spring break and I can do it?

But yeah, overall, a good book. Definitley not a classic, but I’m glad I was finally able to see what all the hooplah was about. If you haven’t read it yet, you might as well give it a shot. Oh ya it’s funny that I’ve had this book since Japan, I think I got it from Trevor or someone. And I think he stole it from Molestache. Oops!

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