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So this has been a pretty busy weekend. As an example, I left this morning for the new studio at around 1:00PM. I just got back not too long ago, just a bit after 1:00AM. Today, however, take out about 3 hours for an M415 group meeting and also White Castle dinner. Pretty much this entire week I’ve been doing a LOT of IUSTV type work, making phone calls and doing e-mails to get us moved in to the new studio. We got the keys and started moving, and it’s been busy ever since. Friday morning I woke up early to meet with RPS movers who were helping us move a lot of the big furniture and stuff from Ashton to Read. After (and kinda during) that, I had an Exec meeting, then went to an interview, then had a meeting with the Read residence manager. Then we were in the studio from about 7PM to 1AM pulling microphone cables from the studio to the control room.

Saturday was about 2 to 10PM, this time figuring out our lighting system and hanging the dimmers to plug lights into. This involved a lot of ladder and scaffolding work. Brian almost broke his toe. He didn’t though. That was about the entire day, and I went home to sleep for almost a good 12 hours. This entire week has been nuts, so it was warranted. I also, on a random note, watched some “new” Saturday Night Live, and the show has definitely gone down the tubes. Not really worth watching anymore.

Today (Sunday), I was in there from about 1PM to 3PM, then 5PM to 1AM. We finished hanging up all the lights in the studio (about 31), and it’s a lot harder than it sounds at first. But the lighting is pretty much done; we just have to add diffusion paper and label them sometime later this week.

From here on (and I know you’re curious), things will just fall into place. When the ethernet and phone jacks are finished, probably tomorrow, we will start building the cubicles in the office and also then the control room. When the ethernet jacks are actually activated (turned on), we’ll enter the final stages and move all our computers over to Read. After that, we wait on the fiber optic stuff so that we can broadcast from Read, and also sometime soon, broadcast through Insight to BCATS (off-campus channel 3). Then we’ll be in the big leagues. Sometime in there (and hopefully in the next week or so), we’ll be building a news desk, and finishing the Hoosier Date? set. It’s going to be a very busy next few weeks.

Also of note is that over the past few weeks, I’ve become less and less worried about the future of IUSTV. There will be someone around next year to take the reigns, and I think that the organization will do fine. Getting this new studio situated, and getting our broadcast off-campus, that’s a bit tougher (and more immediate) for me.

Non-IUSTV-wise, job interviews have been slowing, and so has my interest in doing any kind of work related to business or the positions that I’ve been interviewing for. I hate to say it, but the more I think about it, I don’t know if I’ll be able to live with myself working at a desk job or a sales job next year after graduation. JET is looking more and more tempting every day. With the IUSTV work that I’ve been doing the past few weeks, I completely see why Kieran took a few months “off” to go work and live in Scotland. I don’t know if I’ll be able to just go straight to a real job. Tokyo (or Japan) seems very inviting. Heck, TV might be good also. More on that some other time.


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It’s finally started. The construction in the new IUSTV Read office is done, and we’re beginning to move our stuff from Ashton to Read. We got the keys Wednesday afternoon. The next few weeks are going to be hectic and a pain in the ass, but once we’re done, it’s going to be AWESOME.

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