Counseling Week has been way easy so far. No regular classes, just a few special classes and some private lessons here and there. I did a special lesson on tongue twisters last night that was pretty funny. One guy was so excited I thought he was going to have a seizure. Also I realized that I am pretty good at tongue twisters myself, although this could be because I was doing them along with 3 people who have only been studying English for a few years.
In more exciting news, I’m heading to Hong Kong early Friday morning for a nice 3-night, 4-day excursion. I’m way pumped, first of all because I don’t have to work, but mainly because I get to go to Hong Kong. I’m going to meet up with Derek (Spider-Man), eat tons of awesome food, and buy tons of cheap stuff. I have done very little planning except for the basics, so mainly I’m going to go eat at good places with Derek and then go shopping and buy a load of cheap stuff. Sounds like it will be a good vacation. I’m going to take a ton of pictures as well.
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