They'll give anyone a website these days

Browsing Posts tagged website

Lipstick on a pig


For a while I had been planning on totally re-designing my website, since effectively things haven’t changed (aside from slight visual changes) since I first created this page and the accompanying blog. This was about 5 or 6 years ago.

I kind of got distracted and fell behind. Oops!

But anyway, as you can see, I finally got around to totally re-doing things. A lot of this had to do with Blogger phasing out support for FTP.  Since I had been relying on Blogger publishing via FTP to my server since 2003 when I initially set up the site, I was pretty much boned and had to find a different solution.  Eventually I decided to switch to the WordPress platform, using it not only for the blog but as a CMS for the entire site.  It took me a little while to find a theme that could be edited to my liking, then I had to take care of importing posts from the old Blogger – I never updated my Blogger platform like 4 years ago when they overhauled their system so I was seriously using some old technology.  On top of that, since I had been using old Blogger with Haloscan for comments, it was near impossible to transfer all my old comments over properly.  I’m still working on that.

As of now, the blog is pretty much completely moved to this new location.  I’m still working on adding back pictures, using Gallery2 as the management system.  I also kind of like the Lifestream plugin (my Lifestream), although right now there’s not much in it except for Tweets and a lot of Diggs.  There are of course still a lot of little bugs and things I’m going to work on over the next few weeks, but at least the page is mostly up and the systems are in place to make using this site (for me) easier.  I pretty much had to give myself a refresher/crash-course in basic HTML and PHP, so it was kind of a fun little project.

I’ll write a bit more about specific things I need to work on still, after the jump.  Yes, I can do that now.  Click on “continue reading” to see the rest of this post.

Update your links please

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I think I have all the redirects working, but just to make things easier, if you have a second:

New URL for the blog:

New URL for blog’s RSS feed:

Random Nick Roberts picture:

Textual Advertisement

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Got this e-mail:
e-mail asking me to sell out
Would I sell out my personal website just to make some money? Probably. But I did some Googling and found that other sites were being offered like $50 or even $100 for the same type of thing! I’m going to write them a response asking for more money.

And just in case they’re willing to pay per-word, let me just say: receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist receptionist

Poke, Pop, Pics

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I think there was a “blog boom”a few years ago, maybe like 2005-ish? A lot of my friends had blogs, I was posting a lot more on this blog, and blogs in general had, at least among my general circle of friends and acquaintances, become something a lot people did and made. Over the past few years this has gone down a lot: most people have stopped blogging as frequently, if they haven’t already closed up shop completely. I’ve definitely become guilty of not writing as much – not as if I do this blog for a big audience or anything. No, actually I mainly write this just for myself. But either way, somewhat often over the past few months I’ll be sitting at home relaxing on the computer when I think to myself that I should write a blog post. 9 times out of 10 I don’t.

OK enough babbling. To make a long story short, I blame Facebook, Twitter, and stuff like that for sucking people’s attention away from writing or reading long blog posts. The burst of the blog bubble, perhaps. This isn’t a bad thing really, but just a shift in internet habits. It’s a lot easier for most people to do all their updates, pictures, links to weird stuff, messages, etc. in a centralized place like Facebook. Everyone and their brother is on Facebook now so it’s convenient to keep track of friends’ updates, and for friends to keep track of you. It’s a lot more convenient than writing a blog on some other site that people aren’t going to check very often. Why write frequent updates or entries when you can write a quick status update on Facebook? The exception, of course, is if you have a blog with a purpose or a goal. is not that kind of blog. Nor is it like a Xanga where I post short status update-appropriate messages on the blog.

I don’t really want to stop running this blog, especially after doing it for so long. Every now and then I go back and read past posts, which is great because blogging about stupid little things means I can recall those little things well past the time any normal person would remember them. I know there have been a lot of actual studies and insightful articles about how casual internet communications have moved away from e-mails and blogs to more interactive social networking like on FB, so feel free to go find those and read up. While you do that, I’m going to end this post with some pictures and short captions of stuff I’ve done over the past few weeks, in lieu of the usual multi-paragraph post describing my activities.

Japan Seafood Show at Tokyo Big Sight:

Japan Seafood Show

Giant 1:1 scale Gundam down in Odaiba:

ガンダム お台場

Played park golf (kind of like mini-golf without the goofy stuff) in Shisui:


Went to Namja Town with Nick when he came up to Kanto last weekend. This is cheese fondue gyoza (with corn) and teriyaki mayonnaise gyoza. Both were actually way good.


Of course took Nick to Y’s. 伝説の参忍、再び集合! (Thanks to Brian for the pic)

Indiana Legendary Three

The end for now.

TheLeong @ Facebook

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Trying out having Facebook import my blog feed automatically. We’ll see if I leave it this way.

By the way, if there are comments left on Facebook I’ll probably copy them over to HaloScan for storage/OCD purposes. Can’t imagine anyone will have a problem with that (I’ll just put your first name or something), but let me know if you do.


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Haha there’s a chance some of you tried to access this site (I don’t know why you would) over the past few hours and found that there was nothing here. Just like last year, I forgot to renew my web host, which expired today. Since my host is in the US, midnight there was about the same time I sat down at work this morning. I opened Gmail and got a message saying my e-mail accounts were expiring. I quickly renewed the host though, and everything’s fine now. Not nearly as much of a panic as last year, hahaha.

I’ll try and remember to renew ahead of time next fall.

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