a website by a Leong

Browsing Posts tagged movies

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I knew that I wouldn’t post onto this blog thing very much. Anyways, Fridays are usually pretty good days. 1 class, and that’s it! I think I might go see Kill Bill 2 tonight. Looks like they go to China in this one (as opposed to the Japan themed first one). A few more weeks of school left, which would usually be good, but I’ve really gotta work hard (then only to stay here all summer for more classes).

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So I did the whole high-school presentation thing today for a few hours. I don’t know if the people who were supposed to be listening to me soaked up anything, but at least maybe it will inspire them to make something. It’s all going to be up to them, Donnelly can’t really teach them to do anything and I don’t think he is going to force them. I realize that a majority of the people in there, like when I attended LHS, don’t really care about what’s going on, and they’re just in there to screw around. I don’t blame them; there’s not much structure really. But hey, when I was there at least I would make stuff. I dunno, I’m not worrying about it or anything, although it would be nice if they can at least keep that department open and running until someone can get in there and whip them into shape.

Went and saw The Last Samurai tonight, also. EXCELLENT movie….wish I would have seen it earlier. I’m almost tempted to go see it again, maybe sometime the next week or two when classes aren’t too heavy yet. And now I’m enjoying the last episode of Unscrewed on TechTV that I will watch while I’m in town, as I pack up my stuff to go back to Bloomington tomorrow. Computer’s going off now also….

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Well, I just finshed watching Battle Royale II. I’m not going to spoil it here for those who haven’t seen it but eventually will, but I will say that it was different from the first. It was a good movie, but things were different this time around…can’t say that this film had the same spark as the original. Fukusaku also has some pretty strong anti-American/anti war comments in the movie. Almost went a little overboard with them, at least I feel. Anyways, I’m sure within a few weeks after everyone is back in Bloomington, the HRC, my Japanese class, and anyone else who wants to will have seen the movie, either getting it from me or elsewhere, and I can say more about it then.

In the world, there is the winning team and the losing team. Which side are you on?

Tomorrow (er…tonight, I suppose) is New Year’s Eve. Hard to beleive it’s already that time again. I’ll most likely watch Iron Chef on TV, then go out somewhere.

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