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Had to happen sometime

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Well today at the high school was busy as ever. Why do I keep volunteering myself to go to more classes and help? I even went to 2 parents (I should say mothers) classes today. Yep, the moms come and learn english too.

For the first time all semester, I have a lot of school work to do tonight. It’s a miracle. And oh man I’m so tired I don’t want to do any of it. So to waste time I’m going to sit here and watch Matthew Minami. Blah work.

Typhoon was pretty much a washout (oh man was that a horrible joke?). Sure there was a lot of wind and rain, but not the huge typhoon of destruction, at least not here in the Chiba and Tokyo area (down south got hit pretty hard though). I fell asleep around 9:30 since I was so tired. Woke up briefly around 11 or 12 to talk to my folks who called, and the rain had tamed down. Rip off.

Trains were a bit of a mess this morning, on account of the typhoon stuff. I guess some lines were still down, and the wind and rain that was still hanging around did some trouble I suppose. Was late for Japanese class (wow big surprise, but Hosoi-sensei never cares). Could have made it only 15 minutes late or so if I were in more of a rush. And by “more of a rush”, I mean not taking a morning coffee break at Starbucks near the IES Center. Man I hope no IES staff or teachers read this… Hahaha. Anyways, I had my “late note” from the station, and they were nice enough to not write the time on it, so: instant excuse. Musashino Line was a pain in the butt anyway, I think it was totally handicapped. Apparently that, Keio, and Tozai are all “weak” train lines. Hey great, all the lines between my dorm and school. I guess it’s convenient if you feel like grabbing a cafe mocha before class.

I hear rumors of another typhoon coming soon, who knows. This year is really odd for some reason with typhoons, what a lucky time for me to be here. Hopefully it won’t interfere with the IES trip to Nagano on Wednesday. Yes, I’m taking a vacation. And on the agenda, a “ninja theme park” and much more awaits.

My life: garbage, anime, typhoons

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I’m always saying how random and strange life in Japan is for me, and I think today was the perfect example of this. Bear with me, as I walk through my day…

Woke up, had breakfast here at the dorm. Breakfast was a potato and green bean stew, followed by toast with chocolate sauce on it. Then I got ready to head out to school. Today, instead of class, my Jissen Nihongo (Japanese) class went on a field trip of sorts. And that trip was to the Chiba Clean Energy factory, a type of trash and recycle dump. It took a train, a bus, and a 15 minute talk in the rain to get there. Once there, a tour was led by an animated character in blue named Noa. Yes, there was a video to introduce us to the place, and in various spots in the factory you press a button and watch another video or hologram with Noa. Oh what fun, just like if I were in 1st grade in the year 2040.

On the way back from the garbage center, I stopped by Tsutaya to drop off the DVDs I rented last night (the making of the Masked Rider Blade movie, and a Kishidan DVD). I also stopped by Vive de France, a bakery, and had lunch. Lunch today was a cold hotdog with cheese and mayonnaise on it (didn’t know about the mayo til it was too late), and a calzone. Not great, not bad.

After that fun, had my one other class, which was Anime. I found out that Professor Aoyagi is apparently more famous than he leads on, and there was some point in the 90’s when he was a sort of “expert” on Japanese idols (the young girls who are everywhere, usually wearing almost nothing). As an expert on the subject, doing “research” on these young girls (sounds like Jiraiya), he was featured on TV shows and in magazines. He showed us slides as proof. Pretty interesting. Also during class I was filling out postcard contest entries so I can win a Suica Penguin pillow. More on that in a future entry.

After that, went to MotoYawata to pick up my alien registration card. I now have an official Japanese form of ID! Nice! After that, on my way to the station, ate a tai-yaki (a fish shaped waffle filled with red beans). The old lady who worked the stand kicked her husband, who was apparently sleeping on the ground, when she had to move to get to the taiyaki. Yeah kind of weird, some old man laying on the ground inside their stand.

After that, had coffee with Super Sayokon near Funabashi station. That place is a lot bigger than I expected, although I’m pretty sure I’d been to that station a few times when I first came to Japan in high school. They also have a koban (police box) that looked like a giant white pill bottle.

Now I’m home, it’s really cold outside, and apparently we are looking at another typhoon coming tonight. Man I hope it comes and cancels the train lines tomorrow, cause I really don’t want to go teach at Takanawadai High school. And I now realize that today wasn’t as weird as it seemed as I was going through it. Ah well, I’m going to post it anyway.

Another holiday

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Well, today (Monday) was ANOTHER Japanese national holiday. Sports Day or something like that. I’m pretty certain that Japanese government officials have no shame in making up random holidays. I’m happy about it though.

It’s always nice to spend an entire day doing absolutely nothing. I slept until the afternoon, watched TV, left to get some dinner, came back and loafed around some more. It’s about midnight now….I’ll spend *maybe* an hour doing some homework, then off to bed.

I’m going to try to figure out my IU schedule for the spring this week before I register. Anyone taking marketing classes in the spring? Or G202 and/or Z302? Let me know; we could take a class together…

(no reason why this is here, I just like it)

Classes Week 1 Wrap-up

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I know it’s been a while since I posted last. Well, now it’s time for two or three posts to make up for that. First will be a summary of my first full week of classes. You don’t want to hear about my classes? Then don’t read this.

I’m taking 18 credit hours here, between classes administered by Kanda University (神田外語大学) and the IES Center. Wow, Anthony, that’s a lot! Sounds like it, but I don’t think it will be that tough. Definitely shouldn’t be anything compared to I-Core. Plus, if I can get good grades, they will figure into my GPA at IU when I go back, which needs some padding. Oh, and if I really want to be sneaky, I can drop any class that I start doing bad in (except for Japanese, which is un-droppable). Withdrawal date here is NOVEMBER 20th or something ridiculous like that. Also, IES doesn’t put “W”‘s on transcripts, which would mean that it wouldn’t go back to IU. So it would be like I never took the class. Heheheheh, I can’t lose.

JP401 Japanese in Context (実践日本語) (7 cr): Meets every day for an hour and a half (1 period here). Japanese language class. Same teacher as Survival Japanese, which I had for the past two weeks as the lead-in to this class. Same students plus two new Korean girls. Honestly, this class probably shouldn’t be 7 credit hours for the amount of work I do. Which is less than I did for IU Japanese (bahahaha and how much did I do there?). Mainly I have a few quizzes, some papers, and a few presentations. Not bad at all. It’s pretty much just a continuation of Survival Japanese, so no surprises. From what Brian has told me, I think that this is going to much easier than what the folks at IU are doing with Rubinger. Taught all in Japanese.

Kanji Level 3 (2 cr): Amazingly, I tested into the kanji level that corresponds with my language class. At least I’m not behind. This class actually has the same teacher and 4 of the same students from my JP401 class, so that’s kind of funny. There are also about 10 other foreign exchange students. It’s a mix of Americans, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Koreans. Meets for one period every Tuesday. So far, we’re doing kanji I have already studied, so it won’t be too bad. If anything, this class is going to bore me to death. Taught in Japanese. Oh, and here I will mention 2 of the American students. They’re not IES, they’re with the other foreign exchange program here called Bekka (別科). I cannot stand these two guys. They’re both cocky, arrogant, and definitely not as good as they think they are. The worst of the two tries to seem super mellow and emotionless, and apparently he is a huge computer dork. During our self introductions to the class, he stated his hobby as “my computer,” after which he turns his cocky head to me and mutters in English “it’s my baby.” Seriously? Hey that’s great man. Why don’t you take the thing and jump off a bridge. Also he couldn’t write the kanji for fire (火) correctly, which is one of the most basic ones out there. We’ll see how these two turn out. But for now, I can’t stand them.

AN345 The Fantastic World of Japanese Manga and Anime (3 cr): I was fearing this class because I figured it would be full of the anime dorks from the IES program. I was half right about this, but the Professor seems really cool. He started off class asking who likes anime, and a bunch of us raised our hands. He then asked who would be considered a “mania” (like otaku, the world here for super-obsessive fans with no life), and there was only one guy who raised his hands. I knew he would. I won’t name names right now, but this kid is a very typical American otaku (the kind that I hate the most). Professor Aoyagi then proceeded to say he “doesn’t want those kind of people in his class.” The otaku’s head dropped. I was loving it. Taught in English primarily, and we’ll be doing a lot of analyzing and relating things to cultural conditions, etc. Sound like what I was looking for. The class will be pretty interesting, and if it transfers to IU as Kierstead’s anime class, I will be done with my Japanese major. And won’t have to deal with as many super otaku as Brian did. Bahaha

AN391/S391 Seminar: Social Organization of Japan (3 cr): This is the semi-weekly seminar class that goes with my field placement in the Japanese high school. Other people are placed in schools, non-for-profits, businesses, etc. Basically we will be trying to analyze Japanese organizational and group structure from the inside. It will be pretty easy. Taught in English and Japanese. The only thing I don’t get is why the class is only 3 cr hours. Sure, the seminar itself only meets every other week, but the field placement is once a week for around 8 hours (a regular work day). Seems kind of unbalanced. Ah well, it should be interesting.

HIS336 The History of Tokyo (3 cr): First bad sign: this class is in the IES conference room. We all sat in foldable chairs facing the teacher who had a desk and a whiteboard. For about 25 students, we really need a bigger and better room. No desks is a pain, and the room was a bit too hot for comfort. It will be an decent class, because I’m interested in the topics (looks like we’re analyzing Edo/Tokyo from the Tokugawa period to present day. The professor is a nice lady, but seemed really nervous. Hopefully she’ll get over it and go through material a bit quicker.


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Well my today seemed like a really busy day, but in actuality, it was not. Woke up around 7 or 8, got ready to head out to Kanda U campus. Oh but today is Wednesday, and there is no class. So what did I get to go out there for? A TEST. Yep. Kanji Placement Test, so that I can take a kanji elective class. Note: For those who don’t study Japanese, kanji = “Chinese characters.” Japanese uses these characters in addition to their two phonetic writing systems. Mainly for names, verbs, nouns, and pretty much anything. There are something like 2000000000 kanji. (OK not really, but there might as well be).

Finally got to campus, after riding 20 minutes of trains and walking about 20 minutes in mind-blistering heat and humidity. Get to building #2 and who is there to greet us students? Why it’s Ichikawa! But we heard through the rumor mill last night that he was fired. And yes, we got an e-mail this afternoon confirming he is no longer with IES. What was he doing at Kanda today? None of us know. Maybe he doesn’t want to admit that he’s been canned. Or he’s going crazy…

On to the test. There were 4 levels. Once you take the first, you can move on to the next. First exam was easy. Second was kind of tough, but I think I did OK. Got the third one…. it seriously looked like Chinese to me (written entirely in kanji, and I had no idea what it said). I flipped through it, gave it back to the proctor with a “akiramemasu” (I give up), and left. That was that. I’ll probably be in Kanji level 2 or 3. Fine with me, I need to learn this stuff.

After the kanji massacre, bummed at the IES Center for about 3 or 4 hours. Nothing like wasting time with everyone there. Finally got a group together to go to Tokyo. It was me, Derek, Seth, Dan, Bryan, Adam, and Mii. Met up with Yuuji, Ari, Mike, Annie, and Merry along the way. We went to Ikebukuro for a Yakiniku Tabehoudai, which means All-you-can-eat Korean BBQ. Man it was good. About 2400 yen for 2 hours of all the food you want. You get plates of raw meat, vegetables, etc, and cook it on your table (has a little gas grill built in). I was so full.

Wandered about Ikebukuro for a while afterwards, nothing really going on. Came back home, and now I have to write another fun 600 character report for tomorrow morning’s class. Plus at 4PM tomorrow in Tokyo I have my “interview” at the high school where my field placement is at. I’ll be helping the English teacher there I believe. I don’t really need an interview as I already have the position, but I guess it’s just procedure. Time to get writing this report…

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